Wall painting

I recently spent a weekend with a team of people helping to paint this wall mural about environmental issues with amazing mural/street artist Joel Bergner. Joel mainly focuses on issues of culture and social justice; telling the stories of those who have been ignored or misunderstood by society. Read more about him and see some of his amazing work at http://joelartista.com


I first met Joel earlier this year while working on his huge wall mural (below) in Vidigal Favela, Rio, while volunteering at the Street Child World Cup 2014 (http://streetchildworldcup.org).  He painted the woman (a sweet seller with a market stall in Vidigal) holding favela houses in her arms, then street children and children from Vidigal were invited to paint their dreams in words and pictures in each of the houses. 


Unravelling Uppark


Ceramics In The Expanded Field 2014